Oh Me, Oh Miho


On our latest excursion to McCaffery’s Supermarket in Newtown there was a display for a fruit we had never seen, called a Miho Asian Pear. At first glance, it resembles a yellow apple. To entice customers to try a sample, there was a display with bite-size pieces, so out of curiosity we each popped one in our mouths. The result, a crisp delicious juice-filled fruit with the texture of an apple and the mouth-watering juice content rivaling that of a watermelon. Soooo good, so we bought some.

They’re perfect to eat out-of-hand, and would be fabulous in any type of salad. Or try the pears with a glass of chardonnay and a slice of smoked gouda, or with salty blue cheese or duck. They can also be poached in Riesling or port wine for dessert. Plus they’re just interesting to look at and would make an artsy addition to a Fall arrangement.

Miho Asian Pears are grown in the fertile ground of the Lehigh Valley in Eastern PA at Subarashii Kudamono, a working farm that grows 10 to 20 varieties of Asian pears—but are not typically open to the public.

The pears are tree-ripened and picked precisely at the right time, and will not ripen further after picking. Asian pears do not need to soften, as other pears do, and can last two to three months in the refrigerator. The dried pears, without any additives, will last up to one year.

The rich flavor of Miho Pears is the result of meticulous orchard practices. The many varieties are the result of over a decade of variety trials and research. The growing season runs from early September through late October.

With a celebrated heritage dating back thousands of years, this wonderful fruit has been found to contain vitamins and nutrients (Luten & Zeaxanthin) that have been shown to increase macular pigment density and lower the risk for age-related macular degeneration. Asian Pears have long been served peeled and chilled as a desert, on late summer salads, or as a healthy snack.

Let me know if you end up trying (or have already tasted) a Miho pear.

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